Adipose Rex: The Slann are all fat toad-like creatures which is not helped by their refusal to walk, constant meditation and sitting.Despite that, thanks to their Undying Loyalty they try to maintain The Old Ones' Great Plan, or at least as best as the Slann Mage-Priests can determine what it would be in the absence of direct commands. However, after the Great Catastrophe that collapsed their Warp Gates and brought Chaos into the world, the Old Ones ceased to exist on the planet and the Lizardmen were without their masters. Absurdly Dedicated Worker: The Lizardmen were originally created by the Old Ones to help them shape the world, a task they did dutifully.Until artillery or flying units are acquired, Lizardmen armies often suffer at range, especially if they run into stronger ranged factions. While they have plenty of skirmishers, Skink Javelins have limited ammunition and Skink Skirmishers need direct line of sight, akin to gun-equipped units. It is true that they are incredible powerhouses once they get into a fight, but because they tend to go berserk and lose control, they can become subject to very damaging tactics by the foes that they could have otherwise easily avoided had they not been lost in their bloodlust, such as having a mighty spell dropped on them or getting attacked from the flanks or behind. Until recently, even the Norse trespassers of Skeggi and its surrounding colonies avoided Hexoatl, although that has changed of late.

Whereas the boundaries of most other cities simply merge with the jungle, Hexoatl has mighty walls and serried ranks of Saurus patrol its plazas. Due to its location and history, the City of the Sun is the most fortified and martial of all the temple-cities. Though Itza is the First City, Hexoatl has eclipsed it in importance due to its status as home to Lord Mazdamundi, the most active of all the remaining Slann Mage-Priests. Shining brightest of all the ancient temple-cities is Hexoatl, the City of the Sun. Hidden within the undergrowth are the temple-cities where the Slann contemplate and the other reptilian castes live to serve the Old Ones will. It is the Saurus that form the bulk of the Lizardmen armies for they are spawned for that sole purpose - bringing war to those deigned as enemies by the Mage-Priests.īeing cold-blooded, Lizardmen reside in the warmer climates, mainly across the jungle continent of Lustria and the Southlands. The Lizardmen are led by the Slann Mage-Priests, who in turn are served by the adaptable Skinks, the labouring Kroxigors and the fearsome warrior-caste, the mighty Saurus. The Old Ones were a godlike race - worshipped by the Lizardmen - who travelled the stars and terraformed the world in ages past, before the ancient enemy invaded. These reptilian champions of order are not one race but a collective of various cold-blooded creatures all dedicated to bringing the Great Plan of the Old Ones to fruition. To the south of the world, in much warmer, jungle climes, live the Lizardmen. The skittish Skinks are lithe and intelligent, working as artisans and administrators, and the Kroxigors are dull-witted, but strong builders and labourers. The Saurus are ferocious and stubborn warriors, single-minded in their pursuit of martial skill to fulfill their role as guardians. The toad-like Slann are their leaders, using their wisdom, foresight and powerful magic to direct their races' path after the departure of the Old Ones. Rather than one single people, the Lizardmen are a conglomerate of four different races, each built with a specific purpose by the Old Ones. The Lizardmen were their first creation, trusted servants to aid them in enacting their mysterious Great Plan. These reptilians beings are the world's first and most ancient civilization, personally crafted by the hand of the Old Ones, an almost forgotten race of godlike beings that, in ages past, arrived from beyond the stars and began terraforming the world. To the south of the world, in the warm, lush jungles of Lustria and the Southlands, dwell the Lizardmen. We are the last of their servants, and only by our hand shall the Great Plan be restored, with the total defeat of the usurping younger races." Then came Chaos and the Great Plan of the Old Ones was unmade.

"Before Elves, before Dwarfs, before Men, the Old Ones arrived upon this world.